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Ovens in America

Ovens in America

I wonder if AmeriKKKa is going to take it to the point where we have large gas chambers, and ovens where the American Holocaust victims are sent up the chimney. People in 1920s/early 1930s Germany said Hitler was crazy and others said "Hitler will be kept on a short leash" blah blah blah but look what happened. Now AmeriKKKa looks like a mirror image of Germany right before the Nazis took complete control.

Again, a lot of people will be "going up the chimney", stacked like cordwood, and executed to fall into a huge pit full of dead bodies. This time in America.
anonymous Other September 19, 2024 at 6:41 am 0
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No, no... gas chambers, that's extremely bad optics in this day and age. Couldn't just be passed off as wild rumor with everyone having a camera and the media everywhere these days like back in the day until the allies arrived at the camps to take photos. Maga World (The New Nazi Order) prefers to get rid of people in a less direct manor by cutting funding to all social services that keep them alive and healthy like Medicaid, SSI, SNAP. They don't even care it takes out some of their own who are the biggest users of these services -- they are just that evil.
anonymous 1 hour ago
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