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I hate my fucking research group "mates

I hate my fucking research group "mates

I fucking hate my incompetent braindead research group mates. I only accepted to join them because they had no one else and they were fucking pitiful and pathetic When i conduct a g meeting they ignore it, they cant fucking initiate even if they're lives depended on it , they know nothing about research, when i give the a simple task they use chat gpt and when i address it they'll say they "paraphrased" it yet i know since its obvious that their english level is even lower than the people who live in sentinel island. And when i chat all they do is react with a heart emoji feeling like they have done something significant. Were in 10th fucking grade and their STE students they should have 3 years of experience by now yet they act like we're not in hell week the passing of the research plan is in 3 days yet they don't even know what the study is even about. I wish i could slap their hollow heads and maybe we could make our study" The effectiveness of slapping braindead people on the head" the funny thing is this study will surpass whatever they will think about in their puny, insignificant, pathetic, useless lives.
Anonymous School September 19, 2024 at 12:41 pm 0
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