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I'm gonna actually start crying because I'm so mad. I have to write a 1,000 word argumentative essay for my college professor about AI. It shouldn't be to hard except for the fact that HE HA TAUGHT NOTHING!!! OMG LIKE GET OFF YOUR ASS AND TEACH DON'T JUST HAND ME A PACKET! My paper is due on Saturday and instead of I don't know actually teaching like I PAID FOR we had a free discussion day. Where he talked at us about politics and why MY religion is ruining America! LIKE GET GRIP!!!!!!! I feel like I'm going insane! And on top of that it's to late to get my money back!!! I would be writing a review on "rate my professor" except for the fact that he is not even listed on the website! I'm actually so annoyed and stressed and over college. I hate it so fricken much. I should just marry rich for crying out loud because anything else is better then this!
E Other September 19, 2024 at 4:45 pm 0
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