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Jelly Belly Smelly Kelly

Jelly Belly Smelly Kelly

I'm angry at fat people who come to my home and ruin my furniture.

.One fat-assed whore sat on my wooden glider rocker and now it has a permanent squeak!

Thanks a lot jelly belly smelly Kelly. I can understand why the airlines charge your big bertha asses for two seats,you ruin the cushions forever.

Someone needs to start a BIG ASS FURNITURE business.

Next time one of you fat ass whores waddles up to my door all out of breath,I'm gonna yell sorry we gave at the food bank.

These bitches actually think they can lean up against my kitchen counter,whoah there Shamu, you're wrecking my fucking house.

You fuck up my toilet seats and use half a roll of toilet paper to wipe that ass thats as wide as the spread of an eagles wings.

And I don't ever wanna hear "I really dont eat that much",mother fucker you ate my husbands dinner,a whole fuckin chicken as a snack.

Then at Thankgiving you have the nerve to burst out crying because somebody says do we have any rolls and everyone looks at you.T

hen you wear a bikini, make everyone go blind and have the nerve to do a cannonball in our swimming pool,bitch we paid for the water you just tsunami'd all over the neighborhood and causing a flood and now our 8 foot deep pool is now 5 foot deep.Fat people really piss me off,

I hope you see this Kelly!

anonymous Other September 19, 2024 at 10:33 am 0
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