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Pauline Hanson is stupid

Pauline Hanson is stupid

Pauline Hanson calling for politicians to get pay cuts when they leave is stupid. First you would end up paying politicians more money to compensation thag means a million dollars per year. Secondly the politicians getting pensions get it because at the time they signed up they got pensions that's their entitlement you can't take away what was agreed to we aren't living in some backward tinpot dictatorship. 3rd obviously politicians in Australia ought be paid more than a labourer you dumb fuck, they set the agenda of the country and we are world leading. If you pay peanuts you get monkeys and you end up with incompetent crokks like in 3rd world countries like the Philippines that are as bent as a horses hind leg robbing far more from the government like Marcos. And the sane idiots will say what a great leader this person is, you are fucking stupid. Shit for brains. We have good governments as is we don't want idiots deciding our country there is a reason people like you don't get a say because everyone thinks you are fucking stupid.
anonymous Political September 19, 2024 at 4:06 pm 0
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4 Rant Comments
Spoken like a true politician taker. Keep suckin from the teet you cunt.
anonymous 4 hours ago
^ go live in the Philippines idiot or China get an incompetent government thst you deserve
anonymous 3 hours ago
FYI I'm not a politician or earning money as it I just studied basic math at secondary school and can do basic arithmetic and don't follow backward ideas set by elderly hicks in a pub
anonymous 3 hours ago
The plan revealed shows that Vance & Loomer plan to ride the old don into the wh house and then "retire" him to that closed and "hardened" prison in Ca....T H EN they will rule with an iron dill dough. What can we do? We got the trump gear but will it impress them?
millie & bill 2 hours ago
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