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Notorious In A Bad Way

Notorious In A Bad Way

RGB, she's now "notorious" in a very bad way. Just want to take a minute to say on the day after the anniversary of her very predictable death in 2020 -- because she was waging an all too obviously losing fight with metastatic pancreatic cancer as an octogenarian: Thanks a lot you egotistical, hubristic, arrogant, self-centered old bitch for helping to make Roe v Wade and quality health care for American women as dead as you are.
anonymous Political September 19, 2024 at 3:23 pm 1
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Educate yourself on SC appointments you knob! Obama didn't have Congressional support to get a SC justice appointed dummy. RBG btw, not RGB, duhh, was trying to hold on to keep trump from appointing those lying dirtbags. I sure hope you get politically smarter than your posts show you to be. I understand being pissed off about the stripping of a gender's rights so let's fix it instead of throwing around stupid blame. VOTE VOTE VOTE and do it like your life depended on it.
anonymous 4 hours ago
Yep, we would have a national health care rights bill for women if the repubtards didn't have the slim margin of majority blocking any and all things productive for this country. VOTE DEMOCRAT all the way down your ballot if you want fairness, equality and sanity to return! And don't get fooled by their rhetoric, the spending bill that failed today is because they are trying to push project 2025 into a budget bill. Ridiculous. WE WON'T GO BACK FOOLS
anonymous 4 hours ago
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