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what happened to old hollywood?

what happened to old hollywood?

they killed off their greatest stars, they used and abused marilyn then current hollyweird is littered with pedo rings, perps, traffickers and murderers. the only difference back then was different people but they still had the same controlling greed that the current hollywood has in fact id argue that its worse because no one has taste anymore

same with kpop groups honestly its none different they prolly traffick them in from other locations

whatever thisll get downvoted too no doubt
anonymous Other September 19, 2024 at 6:52 am 0
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Old Hollywood was as kinky and perverted as today, but there was no 24/7 TMZ & the like so they could carefully curate the images and perception the public saw aided by trusted reporters that were willing to help out to advance their own careers and/or be allowed into the inner circle. The studios put their new actors & actresses through "charm schools" and had PR departments that would give the Iranian morality police a run for their money on making sure the actors in public persona reflected the correct image Hollywood wanted the world to see. If they got wind from sources about talent out making some kind of scene in public, they would send someone over to collect them and pay reporters/people off to keep quiet, hand over any photos about the incident, and have trusted reporters write fake news/alternative fact stories to counter if any whiff of the incident gotten out. Monopolistic big Hollywood studios broke up; lost influence over actors who began hiring agents; realized actors were a disposable commodity and did so when their behavior became a problem; and the media realized it was more profitable to report on seedy side of Hollywood.
anonymous 6 hours ago
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