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Group chat groupies

Group chat groupies

To the idiots running the Lokean Google chat in 2012 to 2013. You NEVER let me get a word in edgewise! The few times I TRIED to ask or say something, you froze impatiently in a hurry for me to get it over with. That I was too insignificant to interrupt your precious BS session where you mostly bantered about stupid shit only YOU cared about, stupid jokes and claims that may or may have not have been true. Me and the others just sat there stupidly listening to you two idiot women dominate every conversation and play off each other like you were showing off how funny and clever you were. The rest of us were there to see you show off and you forgot we were there. So many times I wanted to BITCHSJAP BOTH IF YOU THROUGH THE SCREEN AND YELL IM SPEAKING!!!! STFU and let ME say something you self absorbed self righteous CUNTS!

Queenbee bitch! Computers September 19, 2024 at 2:31 pm 0
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