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Fat Bitch at WingStop

Fat Bitch at WingStop

Some video showed up on the internet of some fat **** bitch threating Wingstop employees fucking fatass bitch.

This is why I hate black women they are loud, obnoxious ape looking bitches who all need to have a hand grenade shoved down their throats.

This entiled fatass **** bitch threatens employees and then threatens to shoot up the restaurant a lbecause she can't have her way.

If I was working their I would dump a hot pot of coffee at her face, hop over the counter, armed with a butcher knife and slit that **** bitch's throat.

No wonder people hate working in this country all because of loudmouth **** bitches who acts like everyone within radius needs to hear their fucknig loud ass voices like why don't you ugly app ass looking bitches shut the fuck up before someone takes a gun and shoots you in the face.

I Hate black women they are all loud mouth ape bitches who all need a knife to the throat or swallow a hand grenade.

I say let's find this bitch and kil lher, she serves no purpose to this planet other than being a waste of oxygen, her life matters to no one I say kil lthis fat ugly **** bitch from Wingstop.
anonymous Other August 07, 2024 at 4:57 pm 1
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2 Rant Comments
She is an example of what we want running the cuntry and the wurld and them planets, too.
aint woke none 1 month ago
Most of the young ones are rapper sluts with sausage thighs big pussues and huge asses. They think they're so irresistible because they get all the sump men lusting after them. They're nothing but sex dolls with loud mouths. Fuck em!
Yeahright 5 hours ago
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