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Wtf happened to Hollywood

Wtf happened to Hollywood


What eva happened to the golden age of Hollywood?
Jki School September 18, 2024 at 5:30 pm 0
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I am pretty sure Hollywood always involved sex and as for the creepy side it has no doubt always been a thing. Just some worse than others. When have Hollywood relationships been stable is more the question? When was a child I was reading the brad Pitt going through jen than back to Angelina and back and forth it was never stable and drug overdoses. There is no stability.
anonymous 17 hours ago
Where have you been since the 1960s? O_o
anonymous 7 hours ago
let us get this straight...the only reason, you say, that the old don trump will be elected by the soup cort and the 55 savushkina st combine is so that he can be removed to the special prison n dublin ca. and then replaced by the real intended's Vance and Loomert? this is awfull...what can we do?
got 6 hatts 5 hours ago
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