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Stupid little active shooter drill

Stupid little active shooter drill

Presenter: save yourself, group with others, make barricades, make weapons. But help others.

Me: fuck that shit! In a school shooting or any shooting. I have a master key, I can get anywhere and away. But I'm only bringing my coworker or my husband.
I'm sorry secretary Beth and college student Becky, you bitches are on your own. You'll only weight us down.
Seriously I'm only saving myself, my coworkers that are not weak and my husband. I don't have to give a shit about anyone else.

My life is far more important than a secretary(all those bitches do is take calls) or some dumb cunt named kelly who is lead flute in band class.
anonymous Work September 25, 2024 at 9:41 pm 3
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2 Rant Comments
^You use that master key and hide in the closet with your fuck buddy, and then you feel the cold steel of a gun at your back. Holy smokes! The shooter was hiding in that closet!
anonymous 8 hours ago
Imagine you go into hiding and Donald Trump is in there feeling up your ass. Would you stay with Trump or take your chances outside?
anonymous 3 hours ago
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