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I hate dogs

I hate dogs

I honestly can't tell which I hate more, stupid, stinky dogs or their equally as dumb lazy ass owners. They let their dogs get away with anything, getting into unwilling people's personal space and they won't take responsibility. Give me any animal, a cat, a rat (both much more intelligent than "good boi baby talkie doggos"), a fox, even a spider and I'll make friends with them immediately but don't get me started on those stupid mutts. They're spent so long alongside humans that they became imbeciles like their owners. Literally any animal is smarter and cleaner than dogs. Just like any other type of pet owner's home is cleaner and smells better.
anonymous Other September 26, 2024 at 12:26 pm 2
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All pets are under fear watch because the dems are allegedly making campaign cash by sending bus tours from hait all around the cuntry to eat up all the pets and livestock and garden gnomes, tew. . The only way to fix this is to end all taxes on folks who make more that $825k a year, before bonuses and end all corporate civil and criminal liability
vance & loomer for kink & kween 7 hours ago
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