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ppl r weird

ppl r weird

like conversations i have with others start off well then its trickles downhill and i dont think i do anything wrong but sometimes even ppl online seem to have a certain tone about their wordings like using the words zip it to tell me to shut up is very rude. and if its to do with idols or celebs of any sorts then anyone is allowed to discuss it bc hey platforms are for that point plus unlike others im not afraid to have an opinion or two on how certain ppl have failed to handle certain things especially if i think theyve gone about it in a twisted way. its not like theyre victims, otherwise every idol would be a victim. why ppl got to coddle and protect those who are popular but then other times theyll trash others who are popular so what gives? just say it like it is and move on lmao.

but i just didnt like that persons tone of telling me to zip it. v rude.
anonymous Other September 25, 2024 at 3:56 pm 0
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3 Rant Comments
The solution lies, we are told, in buying always more stuff that identifies you with the group you want to be a member of. More hats, more mugshots, more bibles, more hats, more blankiies, more flags, more hats, more wipes, more sayings, more hats, current, never express doubts....become one of us and be loyal forever so you can serve forever...DO AS TOLD.
camorra omerta 21 hours ago
i bet you are leading them to think your too negative or something. you have to play games with people where you set the right kind of tone before criticizing anything. its safe to complain about things, ONLY if its something everyone thinks is bad or they're dogpiling on it for some stupid reason.
anonymous 15 hours ago
^You know, we only have a limited amount of time on this Earth, and so far I have never seen a guarantee of an afterlife no matter what all the religions say. With that in mind, think about how you want to spend your time, and if you want to do it in a quality way. I discovered playing games with people and engaging in their bullshit is not the best use of my valuable time
anonymous 12 minutes ago
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