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Politics As Usual

Politics As Usual

Typical for the crab in a barrel world of politics. Everyone's got a book of dirt on everyone that they just happen to pull out at the most convenient time, or not if that works out better for their political agenda. Ok, the SDNY says they've been looking and knew about Adams' illegalities since 2014, over 10 years ago. Evidently it must have been to someone's advantage to sit on this info, until he crossed Top Dog Biden that is, and then after 10 years this is now an urgent matter that needs immediate legal attention. Same as with former Gov Cuomo, who's dirt was well know for at least 10 years prior to it finally becoming an urgent legal matter needing to be addressed. Who was benefiting sitting on that huge pile swept under the rug. Then pandemic hit and he's basically getting free daily ads for an upcoming presidential run with those covid briefings that his fellow barrelmates had to sit and watch. As soon as the covid coast was clear from the vax rollout, they nipped his presidential aspirations in the bud by greenlighting action on the dirt. He's NY State political royalty though, and ironically he is said to be top contender for the job as NYC mayor once Adams reads the room and leaves.
anonymous Political September 26, 2024 at 5:57 pm 0
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