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I HATE my mom why do u think youy can go on a week long vacation when, for me, if im about to kill myself i dont get to sgtay home for a day to make sure i DONT. and now she refuses to give me the password for my parental controls, but i need them in order to add my school account on my computwe cuz i have E learning and if i DONT go on for the meeting then these teachers are gonna yell at me for not using a school computer if my computer didnt work SAUGGHHHHHH I HATE MT MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM shes always agiinst me and the one time she found out i was cutting she just told me to stop and didnt even care, "SHE WOULD HAVE ADOPTED YOU IF SHE DIDNT CARE" im tired of poeple being stuck with me.

I am tired of people being stuck with me.
if she wasnt stuck with me, she wouldnt care.

she 'loves' me. but she doesnt like me

ABDHkjfndbrdvjcwnfebguojiklfnoibgwujkjpihjdinfejgr w i hate my mom.
Cat Relationships September 26, 2024 at 7:11 pm 0
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