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im fat.

I’m 17 now, I’ve been In a relationship for 3 years. When I met him I was skinny, maybe 110 IBS. 3 yrs later I’ve gained a lot of weight. I’m now 159 ish IBS. I tried dieting but it didn’t work. I want to work out but I need help finding things I can do at home, im too embarrassed to go to the gym. I can barley do a push up. I wanted to starve myself but im always so hungry i give in. So can someone give me ideas either on what work outs i can do at home without equipment, or tell me how to starve myself without getting hungry.
S Body September 18, 2024 at 5:08 am 0
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Eh. I gained 40 lbs living with my inlaws. It sucks, it's not the end of the world. Download MyFitnessPal or something, track your calories, go for a walk and get over it.
Josh 23 hours ago
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