best dating

Double standard cunts

Double standard cunts

For real why are women like this? When they do something that lacks common sense its okay but when a man does the exact same thing in the exact same way, its an issue. Its sad how it doesnt even get better as they age. My advice to guys out there is always go for a young woman in her 20s that is submissive, knows how to cook and clean, and keeps her mouth shut. Shit should go back to how things were in the 50s.
anonymous Relationships September 18, 2024 at 7:36 pm 1
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3 Rant Comments
Spoken like a true crotch goblin that came tumbling out from one of those cunts!
anonymous 13 hours ago
Oh man you're definitely single, and with that attitude you'll remain single until your imminent death.
Crotch Goblin 6 hours ago
The coming Eugenics Ranches will provide millions of babies for the grate reckoning march, and the need for happy sperm donors who have credentials proving that they have bought all the gear; the hats, the bibles, the flags, the hats, the wipes, the posters, the hats, the blankets, the freeze dried feces, the hats...the line forms to the rite, boyos.
Loomzer 6 hours ago
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