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Husband's Buddy an

Husband's Buddy an

I shall never ever forget the time - my hubby's buddy Dan was invited to our house. He was staying over because he lives a stretch away from us.

Well this particular night Dan was drunk as heck - both of them were but he was obviously more so - they had been out all day playing pool & stuff - np - gave me time to hang with my GF! So I made spaghetti & meatballs for us. Keep in mind Spaghetti is one of my favourite foods. Now this was summertime, & Dan had on his underwear with a tee shirt.

So we're all sitting around in the living room & out come the plates of everyone's spaghetti dish. So I go to take a bite & almost cried out in horror. There was Dan's testicles hanging out of his underwear. :_O !!!!!

I didn't say a word if my husband ever noticed & if he knew he would have surely said quite loudly to Dan: "For the love of FUCK DAN! Would you put your goddamn pants on?!"

I pushed my plate away & my hubby noticed that b/c he knows how much I love spaghetti & meat balls. He says: "Honey are you quite alright? You look a wee bit pale?" I just said "I don't feel too good honey - I feel a bit funny".

He bought it - god bless him too. I totally lost my appetite to eat anything the rest of that night. In fact I think I just took my drink outside & enjoyed a lovely cigarette.

I'm still haunted to this day of catching a glimpse of Dan's nether regions at the dinner hour. I don't think I've eaten Spaghetti & Meatballs since.

It was one of the most repulsive things I've witnessed. I'm sure there are worse things than that - but I really did not need to see Dan's Balls when I was about to eat my spaghetti & meatballs - thank you very much you disgusting excuse for a homosapien Dan. Dan wonders why he hasn't found a nice lady friend yet. Dude - you have a LOT of work to do. For starters - try brushing your teeth regularly & getting the 4 inches of callous buildup off your funky feet. Then maybe you might find someone who could tolerate you.
UGGGGHHH!!! *Shudder*
anonymous Friends September 19, 2024 at 10:16 am 0
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