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Get the denazification programming ready

Get the denazification programming ready

After WWII, US troops and it's allies went through a massive denazification effort in Europe. Now the same thing will have to happen in America in 20-30 years. Among other things, the original denazification effort included huge posters that literally said "THIS IS YOUR FAULT!" and uncensored pictures of Nazi concentration camps were shown. Well, now those pictures will end up being uncensored pictures of American Holocaust victims for Americans to see and be shocked by, as Europe, and possibly other places like South America and China will have to deprogram Americans of their Nazi ways.
anonymous Other September 18, 2024 at 12:01 pm 1
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Y'all will learn to love, serve and obey and proclaim the Supreme Leader and his forces such as the Morality Police, The Pregnancy Posse`, the Revenge and Retribution Rangers and the King Trump Terror Troops and you will wish to have your kids join them and sweep the world of wrong thinking and end freebies.
Klaudine 1 day ago
Looks like the reprogramming didn't take after WWll and not likely to do so in future either.
anonymous 1 day ago
I wonder if AmeriKKKa is going to take it to the point where we have large gas chambers, and ovens where the American Holocaust victims are sent up the chimney. People in 1920s/early 1930s Germany said Hitler was crazy and others said "Hitler will be kept on a short leash" blah blah blah but look what happened. Now AmeriKKKa looks like a mirror image of Germany right before the Nazis took complete control.

Again, a lot of people will be "going up the chimney", stacked like cordwood, and executed to fall into a huge pit full of dead bodies. This time in America.
anonymous 10 hours ago
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