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i can’t just have friends

i can’t just have friends

for some reason i can’t make friend without there being some weird thing happening. my best friend from high school only talked to me when she didn’t have anyone else to talk to. guys only approach me to ask me out or be creeps. i can have such a fun conversation with a girl and we will exchange info just for me to realize she’s interested me in a non platonic way. all the friends i have right now i met through my boyfriend. i can’t just have friends for the sake of friendship. either they have to be friends with me because of who im dating or they’re hitting on me. i feel so betrayed by people right now i don’t understand why things are working out like this. i dont think i come across as flirty or promiscuous so like wtf people. do i just attract horny mfs???? how tf am i supposed to make literally any friends for myself when this is my whole experience
anonymous Friends September 07, 2024 at 9:07 pm 0
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If it's because of looks because they approach you. Ask you ask out and hit on you they are wrong shallow and vain because looks are not a reason to approach someone. To ask them out. To hit on someone and you shouldn't and don't have to have looks for someone to approach you. Or to ask you out or to hit on you.
Anonymous 6 days ago
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