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Looks like someone tried to cap Trump again

Looks like someone tried to cap Trump again

"FBI investigating apparent assassination attempt of Trump in Florida"

The RepuBLBLBLBLBLBLBLBLican party has been attracting a lot of kooks in recent years. The trouble is, not all of the unhinged crazies they are attracting are on their side. If they could at least pretend to be normal this stuff most likely wouldn't be happening.
anonymous Other September 15, 2024 at 10:05 pm 1
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With the rhetoric they spew, it's as if they are inviting trouble. But I guess they can continue mumbling about people eating cats or something and flat out deny reality.
anonymous 2 days ago
Yet another disenchanted Trump supporter trying to het rid of him. It's what happens when they get off the Kool-aid.
anonymous 2 days ago
That the shooter has been promised to be pardoned, rather than paid, by Trump means nothing...nothing to see here...move along...
melana 2 days ago
I just wonder when America can just be sane again. George Bush wasn't really a hero, but I'd rather have him than Trump.
anonymous 2 days ago
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