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My ex bf became trans an left me for a trans woman

My ex bf became trans an left me for a trans woman

My boyfriend transitioned to a woman. She used to fantasize about me having a dick a lot but at the same time said she thought dicks were gross. Then she dumped me and started dating a transwoman. She would brag to me about how she deep throats her and how they have similar cocks and how she can suck "girl cock"..... Damn my pussy was so bad that she wished I had a dick and dumped me .....
anonymous Relationships September 16, 2024 at 4:46 am 3
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I wouldn't put all of my life into another person, because you don't know what's going through that other person's head. People break up for all kinds of reasons, and most people can't even keep a marriage together. And why the 'divorce industry' is booming. I'm sorry about what you are going through, but that person wasn't worthy of you anyway and he or she proved it. And that new relationship will ultimately fall apart so at least there is a little Karma in that.
anonymous 2 days ago
She/He was gay all along. I would get a full STD work up, light a match, and don't look back.
anonymous 2 days ago
*he dumped you
anonymous 17 hours ago
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