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Outrage over a digusting liar, cheat, thief, molester, conspirator, indicted, convicted pos being shot at? Really? As children across this nation live in fear just to go to school. Unfuckingbelievable. The degeneration of this nation was and contines to be caused from the one pollutant this shooter was trying to get rid of. Disgusting orange old man. Time to take out the trash. And don't forget that dweeb Vance and looney Loomer. Waste of vital organs, all of them.
anonymous Other September 16, 2024 at 2:27 pm 3
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Some are reluctant to admit that TRUMP is butt the means whereby Vance and Loomer will become rulers...the plan is in motion...Religionated Fascism for Fun & Profit and Fear and Loathing will be a hoot.
muckneck 2 days ago
Because men and women are swooning like schoolgirls over Trump. And then they flail and faint whenever something bad happens to him. Just like German men and women did with Hitler. The idiocy never ends.
anonymous 1 day ago
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