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I CAN’T with college

I CAN’T with college

I am actually so done with college! Everyone SUCKS! My one English professor practically refuses to teach and just gives us a packet to read from. Like I paid $300 to be here you better get up and teach me something not give me an assignment to write 10 different thesis statements all less than 12 words…. Like I’m actually going crazy! And I can’t find any friends. The minute they find out I’m a Christian or the fact that I was homeschooled they leave thinking I’m a horrible person! Like I could literally couldn’t care less about who you like!!!!!!!!!!! And I feel so alone and the work is so infuriating and I WASNT BUILT FOR THIS! And my parents won’t listen to me because “what am I supposed to do if I don’t have a degree?” And I don’t even know what I want to do…. I just want to scream at everyone right now
E Other September 18, 2024 at 6:42 pm 0
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