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if u cant

if u cant recognise when u wrong then u shouldnt try to be a parent either. so many folk these days just dont wanna be wrong about shit even to do with themselves they dramatise so much in their life and act like they not the culprit and then project it onto others making it sound like someone else is at fault for everything

i cant stand these types of folk who bumble about in their bubble of unawareness or inability to self reflect cause they stuck in their ways or their ego tells them they perfect so they done no wrong ever

they literally couldve had any other child instead of me but chose to have me and now they never want to be wrong about anything ive had to deal with

its the same pattersn the samey remarks i get or odd wordings they use that doesnt even suit whatever im discussing and sometimes they exagerate which is unhealthy and unneeded just let me say shit like it is instead of trying to force anything else on me like no one perfect bro but they make it so hard for me to want to interact with them bc i have to walk on eggshells with many morons and retards alike who just dont want to be wrong

i was not fretting about postage cost and i can afford things but sometimes u have to step back from reacting but if i tell her that she will deny it to hell and back she will deny overreacting to anything and it tires me tf out like go take some sleeping pills or some shit idc im over dramatic people

they ruin the vibes / conversation without even realising it and im just like :/ well they suck cause i dint know why i cant seem to get normal interaction from anyone these days that or some folk respond well without offence and i dont even offend them but if they cant be wrong then they usually wrong yaknow? why everyone else got to be wrong for point out the obvious to them?
anonymous Other September 18, 2024 at 3:35 pm 2
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4 Rant Comments
I understand what you're saying. People who dislike your rant aren't comprehending your point. Maybe it's a punctuation problem on their end? Maybe they don't understand the difference between a rant and overt negativity?

Some people are up their own ass about needing to be PoSiTiVe aLL tHe TiMe that they don’t recognize toxic positivity. Or they automatically interpret even the slightest pessimism as toxic negativity.

I'm a pessimist. I understand frustrations between parents and children. I understand frustrations when parents are children and children are parents, or any mixture of maturity clashing with immaturity.

You're ranting in the right place.
anonymous 18 hours ago
Youre talking about your mom arent you? That fucking cunt!
anonymous 17 hours ago
Hey, is it not true that all cellphone pages are sifted thru in heaven by failed angels as part of their recovery program and that they make notes of the ghastly inanities and sloobers that we users commit?
Yaphet Klungpugh 16 hours ago
Maybe false religion mormon and muslim angels do that. Not real angels.
anonymous 16 hours ago
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