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Buddy System

Buddy System

I've been listening to a variety of podcasts and I've come to the conclusion that I strongly dislike "survival" stories when people blatantly disregard safety when they do anything from basic hiking to more extreme recreational activities.... ALONE.

WHY? I just can't get behind a survival story when a person insists on being ignorant about general safety, wildlife, and basic common sense.

Sure, some people are highly skilled and can manage themselves in a wilderness survival setting - but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about people who feel the need to get out to experience "nature" and they cram earbuds in their ears and fret about having a data signal. Um, that's alright (I guess) but you need a buddy if thats your gameplan. Glamping is another thing I find ridiculous - but I'm not going to say people can't do it if that's what they have an addiction to.

I'm just tired of hearing stories about people who get themselves in trouble with wildlife or injuries and their survival story is really a story about surviving their own ignorance.

Survival stories about groups of people are far more interesting and worth listening to.

Damn. Reading my rant makes me sound like a crab-ass. Maybe I need to chill out a bit. No More survival stories for me until I get my head screwed on straight. In case anyone hasn't been paying attention - my rant is just a personal annoyance. I'm using sarcasm and I do understand when people need help. I just wish more people would think proactively instead of reactively.

anonymous Other September 18, 2024 at 6:16 pm 0
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