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sexual assault/rape

sexual assault/rape

i have no idea if i was raped or sexually assaulted or not. i'm scared to say either. i asked for him to have sex with me at first but then he started doing things i wasn't okay with, and i begged him to stop but he wouldn't. it was in my own dorm. i invited him back there. i feel like i asked for all of this to happen. it was so aggressive i had to scrub insane amounts of blood off of the walls and my body. it's been two days and i'm in so much fucking pain it hurts to walk or sit down, and i'm still bleeding. i'm so nauseous. i just want to go home and rot in my bed. i feel so fucking guilty but at the same time is there even a reason to feel guilty? was this even SA? i don't know what happened.
anonymous Body September 16, 2024 at 10:49 am 3
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3 Rant Comments
Go to the police, immediately! This is not what sex looks like.
anonymous 2 days ago
Yep he rated you but why did you ask him for sex if he's like that?
anonymous 22 hours ago
anonymous 22 hours ago
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