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i’m fucking mad

i’m fucking mad

my boyfriend told me about how his ex girlfriend spread fake rape allegations after they broke up and it wasn’t the first or last time she did that. since he told me all i’ve felt was sadness and anger and all i want to do is find this girl and actually hospitalize her. i want to let all my years of repressed rage and frustration out on her. i want to actually beat her bloody. this shit ruins lives. this completely harms the women who are actually abused too. i don’t know her name or where she is or what she’s doing now but i feel such discontent right now because there’s nothing i can do about it. i feel actually physically sick and i want to stay home i feel like im gonna vomit i don’t know what to do because there’s nothing i can do. i don’t even have time to sit and think on this because i have work and classes. if you’ve done this or thought about doing this you’re a horrible person and i really hope you get your shit together before karma comes back at you because it fucking will.
anonymous Relationships September 16, 2024 at 8:52 am 2
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2 Rant Comments
Okay just to op. You need to calm down. As a man... I am saying you need to consider the possibility that he did rape her. But you don't know so you can give him the benefit of the doubt but keep an open mind. Obviously it's possible he's lying he would hardly admit it, but he might be telling the truth. So you keep your hands to yourself. Control your hormones. As a man I have never been accused of rape and I have to say I can be pretty handsy at times with girls I date maybe I'm judt hot but the reality is I don't ask permission and I've never been charged with rape... so I just feel the fact he was... it's not that I say he's guilty I don't know but it's possible for sure. Just because you like someone doesn't say they didn't do it. Look logically at the situation without just jumping into tribes
anonymous 3 days ago
^Keep in mind that false allegations do happen because we have some very sick people out here willing to destroy someone's life because they are "offended" somehow. But this is a matter for the police and detectives to resolve, not a Rant Rampage quarterback (including myself).
anonymous 3 days ago
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