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How YouTube/Google can further destroy itself

How YouTube/Google can further destroy itself

"The only thing (other video services) doesn’t have is a substantial user base, so the videos kinda aren’t there."

Chicken and the egg problem. Youtube/Google will have to do much better to piss off the average user to get them to look for alternatives like this. In fact, I'll give them a few ideas to help YouTube/Google destroy themselves

- Boost the ad volume 100% and bypass all volume controls and disable device power off. Best if done at night.

- Advertise MAGA to liberals, and liberal stuff to MAGAs, with focused intent.

- Popups! Lots and lots of popups!

- "SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY! MONSTER TRUCK RALLY!" inserted at random times in meditation and sleep sounds videos (I'm sure this is already in effect happening with mid video interruptions, and that annoying lady with the grating voice shilling for an ambulance chasing firm)

- Cookie warnings on every single page

- Every word in the dictionary is triggering and offensive. Ban accordingly (they are almost to this point now).

- "Enjoying your video? Please send us a microtransaction to watch the rest of it"

- Endlessly suggest country music to death metal (or hip hop) fans and visa/versa.

Hope I helped
anonymous Other September 26, 2024 at 7:09 am 0
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5 Rant Comments
After quitting yt I don't watch that kind of videos anymore. I do watch more p—n, and movies now. Partly reason I got to quit was because it was not worth it to subject myself to yt for the time wasting garbage of anything on there, if another Platform had the same kind of content knowing what I know now you'd have to pump me with the same mkultra mind control techniques they used to get yt mass adopted in the patriot act era
anonymous 9 hours ago
(It took a long time to really convince myself that everything on there was CRAP, but when you do, you won't miss it.)
anonymous 9 hours ago
Ps I don't know what I would do if I was poor and didnt have a credit card. I think I would play a lot of video games instead!! Then you need music and game guides for all the cool new games coming out that need LEGO instruction manuals to play, and oh shit they're all on yt.
anonymous 9 hours ago
^So are documentaries on every subject you can think of, so are repair videos including for vintage electronics, so are storm chasing videos, (on and on). But Google keeps enshitifying YouTube, increasing the amount of toxic smoke the golden goose ends up choking on. But Google is being run these days for short term gain, and fuck everyone else, including their user base. The Google top dogs will take the money and run from the smoldering ruin that was once something great.
anonymous 8 hours ago
I can see the true value for repair videos because of the experience of the technician.
The other stuff I could do without. It wasnt worth the headache, its not so hard to find the sources documentaries are using. Have good day
anonymous 5 hours ago
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