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How am I in the wrong?

How am I in the wrong?

Earlier this year, I had drama with this girl we'll call M. She lied about fucking a dude, as well as drinking alcohol and smoking weed. She also talked horrible about the #2 person in my life, my homegirl D. I love D like a sister, but someone lied to D and told her I was talking to M. For context, I haven't spoken to M since either March or May. What she did to D was horrible, and I'll never forgive her. It makes me sick to even think of speaking with her. One of D's friends, D won't tell me who, keeps telling D that I'm speaking with M again. I told D multiple times I am not, even offering my social media passwords and full access to my phone, contacts, etc. I just honestly feel so hurt that she'd believe one of her friends over me. I thought we were closer than that. She also refuses to tell me who, which hurts me even more. Now she isn't responding to me. I'm unsure how to handle this. It's stressing me out so much that I'm nauseous and have now had a 2 day headache. I'm not sure how to fix things. I don't want to lose D, but I'm awfully hurt that she doesn't trust me. I'd never lie to her. I tell her so much that I don't even tell my boyfriend. It truly pains me mentally.
A Friends September 28, 2024 at 11:11 pm 0
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