best dating

You women need to think long and hard

You women need to think long and hard

Realize one thing Perverts exist because alot of women online show everything without the fact of knowing that they themselves Are why perverts next time you go to call a dude a pervert realize women are why perverts exist and men are perverts because they cant think with their brain.
anonymous Other September 28, 2024 at 5:18 am 1
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btw this is not pointed at all women I know some of you respect your body and are not that stupid but the fact is women are why men are perverts and men are perverts because women show it all
anonymous 19 hours ago
Op is an intelligent needs to die of cancer
anonymous 17 hours ago
anonymous 13 hours ago
anonymous 13 hours ago
damn fuckcinfjun
anonymous 13 hours ago

ASS ASS ASSS ASS ASS??!!!!!;!;;!!;!!;;;!;;!!!!!!!!!!!
anonymous 13 hours ago
GRAB EM THARE 12 hours ago
It’s cause his mom loves me to fuck her ass, then shove my shit covered dick in her mouth grab her by the back of her head and fuck her mouth till she swallows my jizz and that shit on my dick. All that while his sister cleans my dirty ass.
anonymous 3 hours ago
Many who disremember what they might have remembered in favor of constructing false memoriies of other events that did not happen the way they are remembered by anyone who cares also do not dependably eat with hand, mouth and forks and spoons of differing names.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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