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If I’m pregnant

If I’m pregnant

by him, I just won’t tell him and I’ll have an abortion. My stomach hurts thinking about everything. I’m so tired and I hope it was worth it to break my heart. I don’t even want to be alive anymore.
Nikki Body September 28, 2024 at 5:34 pm 0
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Next year you will be guided by the Morality Police, The Revenge & Retribution Rangers and the Pregnancy Pursuit Posse`.....all of these will have your best interest in making sure you do as you are told.
join now 2 hours ago
Let's all take a moment and acknowledge that reality sucks major shit. I can't blame people for sticking to the screen all day. It's an escape from this dirty, disgusting, fucked up, shit eating world of ours. F U CK T H E W O R L D
anonymous 1 hour ago
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