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Trump Supporters Should Be Burned to Death

Trump Supporters Should Be Burned to Death

Anyone who has a Trump sign on their lawn needs to have their house burned down and they can die in that inferno.
anonymous Political September 22, 2024 at 4:27 pm 2
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5 Rant Comments
Avoid hate speech please
Neutral party 6 days ago
Neutral party, you are on the wrong website. If you hang out here you gonna get your feelings hurt on the daily.
anonymous 6 days ago
Considering how much hatred they're responsible for and how many poc they have directly or indirectly killed the trumptards deserve no mercy. They absolutely should experience their own brand of discrimination firsthand so they can possibly learn from it. With them having such low intelligence I doubt it.
anonymous 6 days ago
I'm always up for a good BBQ, can we start with burning bibles!
anonymous 3 days ago
I get annoying Trump mail from refucklicans like crazy so I draw dicks with Trumpy-Wumpy sucking on them. That or color his hair black and add a toothbrush moustache to his face. It's quite astonishing whom he looks like when I'm finished.
anonymous 3 hours ago
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