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Stupid Cop

I was driving home, and was already lost with my GPS recalculating everytime I either missed where I was going or there were barricades for a football game that had ended. I eventually was able to get through a neighborhood and made it to the roundabout that also had barricades certain ways. I'll admit that I was tired, already about to cry from being lost earlier and turned down the wrong way. I quickly made a u-turn but didn't know how to get to the garage. When this cop walks up to my car yelling for me to drive up to him. I apologized to him, and then he started yelling at me, asking if I knew how to drive and that this is america. I apologized again and he told me to drive away. So I burst into tears while driving away. Honestly, how can you be suck a dick to someone who's already on their last shred of sanity.
anonymous Other September 29, 2024 at 1:24 am 0
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