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He just doesn't stop

He just doesn't stop

This is from The New York Times:

"Trump again threatened Jack Smith, the special counsel who indicted him. Trump called Smith “mentally deranged” and said “he should be thrown out of the country.”

Folks, that's called exile. Trump wants to exile anyone who stands in his way. Trump is a bully and a wanna-be dictator. He casts favor on rulers like Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un, he hails Hitler as a man who "did good things" and had loyalty from his generals. He wants to do everything white supremist groups claim are good things.
"He takes care of women" By groping and raping them..
"He's a great businessman" By bankrupting several companies.
"He will reduce inflation" HIS OWN AGENDA IS WHAT INCREASED INFLATION!!! Then he conveniently blamed it on the Biden administration. Compare global economy, folks. Biden actually balanced things out more quickly than some other countries. Go ahead and deny the pandemic, go ahead and b*tch about vAcCiNeS and govmint controll. It only proves that the movie Idiocracy has become an actual documentary.

Trump is a fascist. Apparently, almost half of the USA loves the idea of fascism, and wants to grovel at the feet of their master. They contort themselves to kiss his ring and gain his approval - a genuine cult of MAGA. The only reason Putin and others want Trump to be POTUS, is so they can expand their regimes. Trump complains about "the enemy within" which is funny because HE IS the enemy. He is talking about himself (as always).

If he becomes POTUS, he will evade all legal repercussions for any of his felonies. He will continue to provide top secret information to our countries enemies. He will not prevent any wars - he will not control the entire planet. He is not the second coming - he more closely resembles the antichrist if you really want to take biblical things seriously. Trump whines about the evil Dems calling him names, yet that's all he has ever done in his entire life - he insults people with a smile on his face and people can't see beyond that smile. His heart is incapable of genuine compassion - a classic narcissist.

Anyway. Half of the USA still thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread. Especially minority groups - he is racist to the core. Even the way he says "I love blaaak people" is insulting. And black men want to lick his boots - which I find disgusting. He will deport anyone he can, and he won't stop at illegal immigrants. He wants to target people who are here legally as well. You know who else conducted mass deportations? Look at what started the Spanish Inquisition. Then take a good look at how that ended up.

Christians are supposed to be "christ-like" and are supposed to have a philosophy of love being the greatest. Yet today's Christians actively and viscously sometimes, go on the offensive when they attack anyone who doesn't see things exactly as they do. They breed contempt and hatred as they vomit vitriolic perspectives. Exactly the opposite of god-like or christ-like.

If the crazies (oppositionist) take over the asylum (USA), then we (USA) will get exactly what we deserve: The beginning of dismantling ourselves to prepare for fascist control.

Then we can say King Trump, Prince Eric, Princess Ivanka, Prince Baron, etc. Get used to saying Queen Melania, too.
The MAGA peasants truly are revolting - in every sense of the word.

That's my rant today. Hate it if you want. I just had to get it out of my head so I can be decent to the people I deal with in person.

anonymous Political October 27, 2024 at 9:13 am 1
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4 Rant Comments
Hey retard, why do you blindly believe everything you read without any proof? Go fuck your self!!
anonymous 59 minutes ago
^Hey double retard, mark of the beast red hat wearing cult follower, people don't need to read anything, it flows out of his BIG STUPID FACIST MOUTH. Maybe you should put your listening ears on and watch one of his rally's on TV you toad. I have a ball gag with your name on it.
anonymous 28 minutes ago
Second that ball gag. Every stupid MAGA piece of shit should receive a mandatory 6 week course of electroshock therapy and a lifetime supply of antipsychotics.
Ramone 17 minutes ago
Hey retard by your fucking logic that means Fox News is also a reliable news source since you believe any words any news station, all gays should be neutered so they won’t molest children!!
anonymous 11 minutes ago
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