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Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris

If Kamala Harris becomes president, it could signal a huge shift in America’s future, one that risks pushing aside basic freedoms like free speech and the right to bear arms. Under a progressive agenda, we might see stricter controls on what we can say, a weakening of our self-defense rights, and even the removal of statues and symbols that represent our nation's history and values.

Our Founding Fathers built a system that balanced power and ensured all states and voices had a place at the table. But recent proposals, like adding new states (D.C. and Puerto Rico), expanding the Supreme Court, ending the filibuster, and removing the electoral college, aim to rewrite these rules. These moves would centralize power in large, urban areas like New York and Los Angeles, where a small urban majority could decide elections for the entire country. Rather than making democracy fairer, it would essentially lock in progressive control, silencing rural and conservative voices.

Obama’s agenda seems to be driving this, not for inclusivity, but for a tighter grip on power. By shifting the rules to favor one ideology, it risks dismantling the checks and balances that keep government accountable to the people. And Donald Trump’s opposition to this agenda explains why he’s faced such fierce backlash from the political establishment on both sides—they see him as a threat to their status quo.

If this trend continues, we may wake up one day in a country unrecognizable from the one our Founders envisioned. This isn’t just a political strategy; it’s a fundamental transformation that could divide the United States, creating a nation where government power overrides the individual freedoms we’ve fought to protect. And that’s not the America generations before us fought to build.
anonymous Political October 26, 2024 at 12:40 pm 3
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But yet you want no woman to have any rights or control over their choices and bodies if Trump wins?
Found the incel.... if he wins I hope you'd women of all ages get abused amd have to carry their rapists baby and keep it.
Womp womp 23 hours ago
Fuck your racist screed. Harris is no threat to anyone and your orange shitstain is the one talking about removing freedoms and jailing the press. Trump needs to lose. Then he can kill himself like Hitler.
Ramone 2 hours ago
anonymous 4 minutes ago
Ladies and gentlemen, gather ‘round as I present the tragically hilarious tale of Doind the Dino Developer—a relic from a bygone era, kind of like a T-Rex trying to use a touch-screen phone. This guy must think that herbivorous dinosaurs are some sort of conspiracy created by the "Salad Lobby," because let’s be honest, Doind hates them more than a T-Rex hates short arms—that is, with an unrestrained passion.

Doind has embraced the notion that variety is the spice of life… and clearly, he's allergic to spice. His game development philosophy can be summarized as “Why have a buffet of dinosaurs when you can have a glorified T-Rex food truck?” Don’t be surprised when you log into his game—it's like opening a box labeled “Dinosaurs” only to find it stuffed with T-Rexes wearing matching sweatbands and arguing over who has the most badass roar. Congratulations, Doind! Just what the world needed—another game where one 40-foot animatronic version of a carnivore stomps around aimlessly while herbivores are banished to the digital ether like unwanted houseguests.

This guy has an unhealthy obsession with conformity that’s scarier than a raptor in a horror movie. Doind believes all players should be T-Rexes. Why? Because anything else would mean players are exercising creativity, and we can’t have that! I mean, what if a Stegosaurus got a little out of hand and decided to show off its spikes? That’s not in Doind’s rigid playbook! His idea of a good time is lining everyone up like the world’s worst version of a dinosaur-themed military parade where everyone drops their individuality at the door and stands in endless rows of sameness, ready to be commanded like a group of frightened stormtroopers who can’t tell their blasters from their bananas.

Speaking of stormtroopers, you’d think Doind was Lucas himself when it comes to fandom. He thinks “Star Wars” is the pinnacle of fiction. Isn’t it cute? Who else could view a galaxy where mystical forces and droids coexist as the absolute standard, while simultaneously ignoring the subtleties of nuance and storytelling like a clumsy dinosaur trying to get through a tight cave? Hey Doind, “Star Wars” isn’t a strategy guide for how *not* to appeal to diverse audiences! But then again, perhaps his idea of peak fiction revolves around squaring off against “multi-genre” experiences that he can’t even fathom. “Lookout, multi-dimensional characters! Doind is ready to put you in a sharply labeled ‘inconvenient’ box. Enjoy being bland!”

Considering his temperament, it’s no surprise that harsh criticism is more than he can handle; it’s as if you just served him a five-alarm curry nacho platter! He’d throw up his hands in defeat, clutching his chest like a distressed T-Rex at the mere suggestion that his gaming choices might need a little seasoning or diversity. Who needs constructive feedback or fresh ideas when you can live in a safe little bubble? The only spice Doind enjoys is the lukewarm kind found in a boxed dinner labeled “Some Assembly Required.” And don’t even think about challenging his culinary palate; he can’t even handle the heat from a sprinkle of paprika without running for the nearest bowl of bland yogurt.

Lastly, let's discuss Doind’s “no hugs” policy. Anyone who dares to display a hint of affection is pretty much slated for exile from his digital kingdom. Who needs love, right? Love and affection are overrated when you can just play T-Rex together in the sterile wasteland of his game, sitting awkwardly three feet apart because heaven forbid your joy might somehow infect his clinically-controlled personal space.

So here’s to Doind! A dinosaur game developer whose idea of innovation is box labels and slaughtering creativity one missing herbivore at a time. It might not be wise to poke fun, but watching him attempt to wipe out variety makes for a spectacle worthy of 7 million cringe-worthy view counts. Keep on being you, Doind! The digital world needs someone to throw rocks at—just don’t get too spicy while you’re at it.
anonymous 4 minutes ago
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