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Women whining again

Women whining again

Remember ladies: Your market values starts to decrease at about 27-28 years old. It is a downward spiral by 30. Your eggs dry-up in your womb, and you become less valuable and noticeable to men, and the less you have to offer us or bring to our table. You "forever" single females, aren't that way by choice, no matter how much you try to make it seem that way! You're all basically female incels. When you hit near 30, you all become less attractive, less fit and trim, you start getting obese. You're less active, energetic, able to carry out domestic duties because you get tired easier or you're worn out from a decade of working in some useless "career" men don't care about, or pursuing your so-called "degree program", another thing you dumb skirts do that men don't care about, or you're traveling, yet another thing men don't care that you selfish twits do. We aren't impressed by your claims of "worldly knowledge and experiences" or how you think you understand different cultures, or the unimportant morons you meant around the world that you all seem to think were "amazing human beings with so much to learn from!" Also, they don't give a shit about you, either. No one cares what stuck-up, spoiled, overly-privileged, pampered, white American former sorority means girls, have to say or think about them.

Many of you are either childless, or have kids from previous relationships, or a one-nighter, or are a divorcee. Then you think a good man, who makes decent money, has his life together and a good head on his shoulders, should be more than eager to take you, and your number of kids on, and pick up your financial burden you can't cover because you didn't stay long in your "career" of choice as "professional" to make enough money to sustain yourself, and you have a useless liberal arts degree, probably in women's lit or LGBT studies! You worked until you got bored, or it got hard, or you were "sick", or it was "too much", or someone offended you, or you got fired for subpar work and being overall irritating AF to be around. Then, you cried about how women don't make what men do in the work force! Well, first off...there is no factual data to back that moronic claim up, and secondly, even if it is true, so what? There's good reason for that! Women don't do most of the manual labor! They don't have jobs that drain them to the point of dropping at the end of the day, where they are at for ten or twelve house on their feet. They put in the same effort as men. They aren't there as long as men. They get special accommodations to make whatever they do easier, and they get a pass on crap behavior in the workplace, because companies and bosses and owners are afraid to fire women, because you all pull the SA or sexual harassment card on men, constantly, when we don't do what you try to order us around to do, or because we won't let you get away with the same stuff we hold our fellow man responsible for doing! Women work for a HOBBIE, you all claim it is for survival, and it is your "career", but it rarely is! You have a husband, bf, baby-daddy, sugar-daddy supporting you, and if not that, you get alimony, child-support, and your parents take care of you forever! You have kids and use them like meal tickets and black mail against the guy you let knock you up, and whatever role he once played in your life. You use it to control his every move, immobilize his life, and obstruct at every turn. You use it to keep him where you want him, so he can never move on after the abuse, torment, humiliation, beratement, disrespect and misandry you put him through! You don't want him, you won't fuck him anymore, you aren't interested in working it out someday, you all just want to hold power over him for the rest of his life, to the point he doesn't even have a shot at MAYBE finding that ONE trad woman in the world, that will submit to him as she should and give him the home, marriage and family he is deserving of, that YOU couldn't do for him!

Many of you females LOATH us men who won't let you manipulate, gaslight and dictate to us. Then, you say we are "trash" and you'd rather fuck a bear in the forest! All because we don't snap to it whenever you try to bark us around, to do domestic duties that are the responsibility of WOMEN. Men don't perform household chores. We go to work and provide. We protect. We lead the family. We are the head and represent God in the home. We pay all the bills. We have more on shoulders than any of you females could even comprehend because it isn't put on you, and you have no clue what men go through, every day! Yet, you all play the victim card and act like you feel sooooooooo afraid of us, and too scared to even leave your home or go out, YET you're the same women saying this, who will invite a rando to your house or apartment you knew for less than a day off Tindr? You will go home with some rando from a club or bar? You will take a male coworker back to your place after closing, or try to get him to boink you in the office? Then "friend zone" and act like it never happened? But then ooooh sooooo fearful you are of men and prefer a bear to us? You women are scattered brained, hysterical and just, hormonal and silly! Your thoughts are clouded over by estrogen and PMS and period blood! You have no idea how you think, or even how TO think! Your emotions are always off the chart, you're moody, unpredictable and needy constantly! YET demand to be seen as "independent empowered women" and "queens" and "boss babes?" Or even worse, "dog moms??"

By the way, you can't be a "dog mom" or "cat mom", they are animals, NOT children. Why don't you all just get your heads out of your asses and GO MAKE A BABY???? A REAL HUMAN BABY?? and you won't need all this validation and attempt to fill a void?? Go find a good man, get married, and MAKE A FAMILY, and you'll all see how much happier, purposeful, meaningful, content, joyful, bright, warm, loving, balanced, secure and stable your lives are! You will experience PEACE and harmony in your life, and won't spend it hating men, and being frumpy, slumpy, fat, smelly, unbathed, public pajama pant-wearing, depressed, bipolar, soggy and insufferable hogs that WE as men, have to deal with in our daily lives!
S Bar L Rancher Relationships July 26, 2024 at 4:47 pm 1
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10 Rant Comments
Lol. The reason I hate men. You love trying to bring women down or put them in their so called place. One of the Mens movement types who thinks every woman NEEDS a man. Why do I get the feeling I laid eyes on your ugly rancid face at least once in real life? The great thing about being over 28 is that you fucking scum are LESS likely to focus. Notice I said LESS. AND GOOD!!!! ugh I hope you haven't reproduced. This world has no hope of not turning into Idiocracy of you did. Irrational and over emotional or way too rational and pissed off for good reasons? another testosterone driven stupid male Irrational sadistic male who thinks who knows better how to live a woman's life than she does. You're proof that dysgenics is a real thing. Eventually the entire human race will just be grunting savages again and women will be living like beast like we were for almost all of "humanity" up until practically yesterday.
anonymous 1 month ago
Men want to use women as brood mares and sex slaves. Why don't we round up those misogynistic men and give them the same treatment. Let's kick the cattle out of dairy farms and replace them with misogynistic men instead. We'll hook up the cow milking machines to their penises and milk them until the only thing that comes out is blood.
anonymous 1 month ago
Scott stop hating on women and Donald Trump. You are a loser no woman would want you if it bothers you maybe stop being so lazy
anonymous 1 month ago
The Zamp Troops are assembling into formation and those under the age of 25 in America must go to Zamp which is a combination cram school, boot camp, prison, and slave factory. The prison busses are rolling soon to round up the Zudents (Zamp students) and force them to go to Zamp, and where the super uncomfortable all wool Zamp uniform during their entire stay. Zamp can't be stopped because it's protected by the military, and protected by God. Don't resist Zamp, because it's impossible to do so.

. \.♜..........♚./
. .\________/

The Zamp troops are coming!
anonymous 1 month ago
There's no shelter from the ztorm,

..\/. -- ZAAAAMMMP!
anonymous 1 month ago
"Women work for a HOBBIE, you all claim it is for survival, and it is your "career", but it rarely qwack qwack qwack qwack"

"Men want to use women as brood mares and sex slaves. Why don't we round up those misogynistic men and give qwack qwack qwack qwack..."

Dear rest of the world, don't try to be America For your sake.
anonymous 1 month ago
"Women work for a HOBBIE, you all claim it is for survival, and it is your "career", but it rarely qwack qwack qwack qwack"

"Men want to use women as brood mares and sex slaves. Why don't we round up those misogynistic men and give qwack qwack qwack qwack..."

Dear rest of the world: Don't try to be America. This is for your sake.
anonymous 1 month ago
"Your eggs dry-up in your womb, "
I think a lot of men would prefer the "dried eggs". Wam bam, thank you mam, and no, I am not the father.
anonymous 1 month ago
Let me guess your mom and sister left you for better men
anonymous 1 month ago

anonymous 1 month ago
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