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Back to college

Back to college

Ah, the glorious return to our beloved engineering college! It's like a family reunion, if your family consisted of sleep-deprived zombies fueled by caffeine and broken dreams.
The campus, once a peaceful wasteland, has now transformed into a bustling circus of chaos. The hostels are alive with the sweet symphony of alarms being snoozed for the 37th time and the panicked screams of those who forgot to finish their vacation assignments. Nothing says "welcome back" quite like the scent of unwashed laundry and desperation, right?
And oh, the canteen! That culinary paradise where mystery meat meets questionable hygiene. It's heartwarming to see it packed again, with students gambling their digestive systems on what the menu optimistically calls "food." I swear, the samosas are crispier, the chai is sweeter, and the chances of food poisoning are higher than ever!
Let's not forget the lecture halls, those hallowed chambers of wisdom where dreams go to die and GPAs come to cry. It's truly inspiring to witness hundreds of bright young minds simultaneously pretending to listen while secretly watching reels on Instagram. The professors' enthusiasm is infectious - you can almost see the life draining from their eyes as they realize we've forgotten everything they taught us last semester.
The library, once a tomb of silence, has transformed into a social hub rivaling the best coffee shops. Who needs books when you can catch up on all the juicy vacation gossip? I'm pretty sure the librarian is considering a career change to bouncer.
And don't get me started on the labs! The computers have magically developed new viruses over the break, probably in solidarity with our declining will to live. It's touching to see how they refuse to work properly, mirroring our own state of mind.
But the true magic lies in the corridors, now a obstacle course of reuniting friends, last-minute assignment completions, and impromptu dance performances to TikTok trends. It's like a flash mob of academic anxiety and FOMO.
Ah, but we wouldn't have it any other way, would we? After all, what's college life without a little (or a lot of) chaos? So here's to another semester of surviving on instant noodles, pulling all-nighters, and somehow managing to learn something between all the drama and deadlines.
Welcome back, fellow sufferers! May your coffee be strong, your Wi-Fi signal stronger, and your will to graduate the strongest of all!
Shikha School September 07, 2024 at 2:34 pm 0
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