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Another day another shitheads complaint

Another day another shitheads complaint

Donald trump is a whiny baby I don’t know how old he is but he acts like he’s 3 and looks like he’s 97 so I have no idea how old he is but I’m not searching it up bc he’s not worth my precious fucking time. Like bro is more orange than a carrot wtf I fucking hate him he’s ugly and a fucking dickhead lmao I wish the person who tried shooting him actual did shoot him bc then he wouldn’t be in my life anymore bc he’s a fucking whiny bitch
Ur mom Political September 04, 2024 at 10:10 pm 2
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2 Rant Comments
The Old Don is our Sovereign Supreme Leederd and is exempt from all human standards, laws, rules and feelings save for the grate HATE and the grate REVENGE....we luvs the Old Don
camorra omerta 2 weeks ago
Vote for the baby-man and then he'll make himself dictator for life. He'll have all the flags burned, all the democrats and non-voters killed and billions of refugees fleeing to Canada and Mexico. All the unfortunate ones left behind will have to wear uniforms and GPS self-locking belts with key buckles that cannot be taken off no matter how much force anyone gives it. And then Trump will call him self a loyal communist to Putin and whoever that guy is in China. It's 1984 at its worst.
anonymous 1 week ago
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