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JD Vance Says Fact Of Life

JD Vance Says Fact Of Life

Welp! Ol' JD Vance, after taking another swig of his Mountain Dew - diet of course, keeping with the healthier lifestyle choices picked up in SF doing his Tech Bro Thing, so coke "yes, please!" and regular Mountain Dew "no" - has proclaimed school shootings a "fact of life" and that increased school security will solve the problem.

So his/Maga World's solution is to allow a cancer to grow, then do something about it after it has metastasized!? Transform the schools across the US to look and function even more like high security prisons.

Had the backwards Maga controlled GA been smart enough to institute red flag gun laws and follow up on them, this shooting would have most likely been nipped in the bud, preventing the shooter from even being able to arrive at the school with an AR-15 to shoot up the place. Being flagged a potential school shooter, law enforcement under a red flag law would have the right keep an eye on him, and search the home periodically to monitor what weapons are there for public safety, not depend on a tone deaf enabling parent that did not give two shits about the safety of the public from his deranged kid.

Or even better, ban AR-15 weapons all together because while the previous ban was on the school shootings dropped considerably and pick up remarkably after the ban lifted.

anonymous Political September 06, 2024 at 2:42 pm 1
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5 Rant Comments
Jd Vance is awesome!! I’m voting for him every year, fuck you!!
anonymous 1 week ago
Vance for prison! Yeah! Both trumpy wumpy and Vance Vandershits in orange jumpsuits behind bars! Prison 2024! Lets' go!!
anonymous 1 week ago
The Reichwing always had a BDSM fetish of locking people up en masse. And the shackles, hands rubbing all over inmates by cops during routine searched, the strict control, the uniforms, rigid face masks, restraint chairs, restraint helmets, shock belts, gags, etc .. the Reichwing loves it, sexually. I bet Musk is beating his meat while thinking up intrusive security measures and lock up apparatuses to invent which in the free world would be considered a sex dungeon device.
anonymous 1 week ago
Trump wants to have everyone wear GPS belts with buckles with keylocks similar to airplanes so everyone has to wear one and a uniform after he's elected. And if the uniform pockets are snapped or buttoned, then it's the death penalty of caught.
anonymous 1 week ago
Vance is chosen to be presdent and will use the old don to get there and then he will stay there forever like we all wantses. Yowzer.
fat karen 1 week ago
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