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Women Trump supporter's enjoy sexual assault

Women Trump supporter's enjoy sexual assault

If you support Trump you also Support his views one of which is not being able to say no when a man walks up and puts his hands on you....because Trump was quoted as saying "grab her by the pussy" so you women that support Trump must like rape
anonymous Political October 15, 2024 at 7:11 pm 2
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Demoncrats have sided with trannies to allow parents to bring their children to their drag shows and strip clubs, fuck you hypocritical pedophile.
anonymous 2 months ago
Conservatives love bringing their kids to priests to get raped.
Oh that's because Jesus loves killing kids daily!
anonymous 2 months ago
If Trump wins, it's back to the kitchen with women. Project 2025 will be used to solidify this. Hopefully Republican women aren't too comfortable with their jobs hard one with womens' liberation because all of that is going bye bye under Trump. I hope your husband buys you a nice vacuum cleaner this Christmas to help you better do your daily household chores as "hubby" works to bring home the bacon.

anonymous 2 months ago
If Trump wins, it's back to the kitchen with women. Project 2025 will be used to solidify this. Hopefully Republican women aren't too comfortable with their jobs hard won by womens' liberation because all of that is going bye bye under Trump. I hope your husband buys you a nice vacuum cleaner this Christmas to help you better do your daily household chores as "hubby" works to bring home the bacon.
anonymous 2 months ago
I hope conservative and republican women of all ages get abused and destroyed. Since they are the purest of women as they claim. So destroying them will be fun.
No sympathy for them 2 months ago
It is none of your business and way above y'alls pay grade to know why Diddy & Weinstein are sure of being pardoned by the next reel presdent.
harlee 2 months ago
Most of the pedos are democrats Epstein was a democrat friends with Bill Clinton, Paul Keating. The reality is women who are democrat are more likely to suffer abuse
anonymous 2 months ago
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