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My Beautiful Rant

My Beautiful Rant

Okay, let's begin.

What's up with this?

So like, when someone yaps about you behind your back, it's completely fine to them. But, God forbid, if you say one negative thing to the other person, you're the bad guy.

Like, hello?

I'm doing what you're doing, buddy, and not trying to be rude. If you want to be mad, actually find a good reason.

Like, this girl goes up to me and says, "You know what I like about texts?"

No, cuz you haven't told me?

"You can always screenshot."

She shows me a convo I had with ANOTHER PERSON. Like, brother, that's a private convo. How on planet Earth did you get that?

Also, some phones can't screenshot.

So like, she rants about how she is upset though I'm watching kids enter the school and not hearing a single word she says cuz I honestly don't care because she wants to make it about her, not the actual problem.

And the girl I had the convo with, well, I blocked her.

Also, what is with the popular people?

Like, one second they are really rude and sassy. Then the next, they're begging me for something.

It's like, no bro. I get it, the only reason why you're popular is because you're pretty, but that's not going to get you anywhere in the real world.

We're going to college in, like, a couple of months. You don't even know what you're gonna do because you're caught up in yourself instead of your education.

They have like, D's and F's. They don't care.

Now me?

I'm mid.

Like, I'm not emo, but I'm sure as ever, I'm not popular.

Popular people are my number one haters. They judge me. They always give me stupid glances like I'm not worth it.

Well, guess what?

I am.

I am worth it.

You don't choose who I am.

I choose.

You do you, get bad grades, get a job at McDonald's or something (no offense to those who work in fast food chains :3), and come crying to me when I'm a lawyer or a judge.

Go ahead, go to a "Performing Arts School". Only 0.5% of people make a living out of that. That's very slim.

If you put in effort, you can make a living. 92% of law students get to be lawyers. That shows what it takes.

So no.

No, I won't take your glances as daggers in my heart.

I'll take them as a compliment.

I'll be my own popular.

I'll be myself because that's the best person I can be.

You can change too.

And I mean you, the one sitting here and reading this.

Be you, and you'll go far.

Watch me, popular girls.

As quoted by Kristen Stokes,

I promise you, I'll never be invisible again.

Someone will notice me.
anonymous School December 20, 2024 at 9:52 pm 0
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1 Rant Comment
Who cares who is upset that Putin, Kim, Orbahn, Abbas and Prince Ali Ali will allegedly be at the coronation?
wanker 3 hours ago
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