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Trump should not not be disqualified 4 prez

Trump should not not be disqualified 4 prez

I fully agree that Trump should not not be disqualified from running for president.
anonymous Other June 16, 2024 at 10:42 pm 2
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Go to Hell you Inbred Loser
anonymous 1 week ago
Yes all the Trumptards belong in hell. They should have hot heated rocks pressed into every joint of their bodies. They should have boiling oil poured over their genitals and rubbed with a mixture of salt and gimpy gimpy leaves. Then they should have their backs opened up with an axe and their lungs pulled out over their shoulders.
anonymous 1 week ago
Ignore the libtards shoveling hate on you. They literally have no logical argument and have to resort to name-calling. If they had half a brain (they vote for Biden, so that should tell you something), they'd know that every charge brought on Trump is either not a crime or a misdemeanor at best and that Biden has weaponized the justice department to go after him RIGHT BEFORE AN ELECTION. They had years to bring these charges, and they decided to do it during an election year. Clearly, it's political posturing. If you ask them why they support Biden they can't come up with one reason - only that "he's not trump!". Which tells you what sheep they are. If you ask them why they hate trump? He's racist! Of course they can't point to an actual example of a racist policy - just that "Orange man bad!" So yeah ignore these fools. TRUMP 2024 bitches.
anonymous 1 week ago
"Go to Hell you Inbred Loser"

Trump should not not be disqualified. Notice the extra "not" hint hint
anonymous 1 week ago
"Yes all the Trumptards belong in hell."

A lot of them already are, so to speak. After 1/6/2021 a lot of them ended up in prison, some serving lengthy sentence. And their fuhrer who egged them on into storming the Capitol just abandoned them. All MAGAs are are "useful idiots" at best, or just prison fodder so he can feed his own ego. Trump is a raging sociopath who is literally a fan of Hitler's writings. And yet the idiotic masses still follow him like sheep thinking that he's their Messiah. Fuck it. If Trump wins, and some of the MAGAs end up getting fucked or maybe put in camps by him, I can do nothing but laugh.

anonymous 1 week ago
Yes he should be disqualified. You want to know why? Cause if he does become president, he can abolish his felony charges. And we don't want that. And face both trump and Biden are horrible candidates for presidency. Both should be permanently banned from joining again.
Hope Trump gets shot and his family merc'd 1 week ago
Trump sure helps with accelerating the downfall, but so many other people, I would say most of America is contributing too. And we keep falling asleep. During the Obama presidency, I could see America was falling asleep again and I had a bad feeling that we were going to face some serious shit because we were becoming too complacent. And this was back when people literally thought that the concept of a Trump presidency was just some kind of joke. Unfortunately, my concerns turned out to be valid and look what happened.

I remember a political cartoon a couple decades ago that showed "Uncle Sam", representing America in bed snoring, the "Z"s slowly turning into swastikas. So damn true.
anonymous 1 week ago
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