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Why do I crush on the wildest men

Why do I crush on the wildest men

So I am an 18 year old girl and I crush on the worst or least attainable men.
Starting off let’s go with the school crush.
Description: long hair, kinda tall, really catholic. Cute as shit and really sweet, but he turned out to have really fucked up views. I couldn’t see myself pursuing him after I realized he just wanted a catholic housewife to do whatever. So I let it go.
But then, of then there’s the guy slightly younger than me. Like he’s like 3 months younger or some shit. He lives far, but I genuinely think he’s attractive, but also I’m just down to be his friend cause he’s funny.
Then there’s the motherfucker that’s had me fucked up for years. So I see this dude in like 2022, he’s hot. But I think nothing of it I won’t see this man again. Then a few months later I do, and I learn his name, and age. He’s a year older than me. Tall as fuck too, but that’s beside the point. But I don’t figure I’m really gonna interact with him again, despite the fact that it’s fun to talk to him and he’s hot. THEN I DO and I’m kind of close proximity for a while. No big deal he’s hot I’ll get over it, and to which I do. I do get over it. Then a year goes by. And I see him again, damn was he this hot before? I thought so but I think age has helped him, let’s just say that. Then I start seeing him more and more cause once again, working close proximity. I also start getting to have like genuine conversation. That’s cool. Then one day I’m like “I’m over it” then I realize FUCK I’m not over it. Like I was helping with a task and had the unholiest of thoughts doing the most mundane task ever to help this mf out. So yeah.
You may go what makes man’s unattainable, well this man lives far from me. I’ll give u that and there’s another thing but it would be too revealing so yeh. I’m fucked basically
Laylee Crushes June 26, 2024 at 1:49 am 0
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2 Rant Comments
Laylee I think you go for the easiest guys to attain let's be honest. You seem to seek basically husband material yet you are into these guys who really are not like husband material by your description. If you want a husband material get a guy with a neat style cut shortish haircut, masculine, tall, fair, blue eyes ideally, strong, resourceful, dependable, hard working, successful ideally, maybe 10 or 15 years older. The guys you go for are like the bus boy that's transitional to transgender. That's pretty much the most attainable guy possible.
anonymous 3 days ago
In answer to your question the media encourages women to find gay men most attractive or men with qualities usually gay men have because they enjoy your life fucking up. If you go for a normal man things will change if he's husband material
anonymous 3 days ago
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