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Y'all need to grow the fuck up.

Y'all need to grow the fuck up.

I work in an animal shelter and I am so sick and fucking tired of the public. Y'all seriously need to grow the FUCK up and understand that we are overworked, underpaid, in an incredibly taxing field of work. Nothing has affirmed that humans are biggest, most entitle, pieces of shit on the planet more than working for a shelter. People bitch and moan on a regular basis that we can't take Fluffy in as a surrender because their landlord found out when we are literally drowning in stray/homeless animals that would dream of the possibility of not having be be inside the shelter walls. Like sorry we can't take snowball, the animal hoarder's case finally came so we're dealing with at least 12 new adult cats with 3 litters of kittens on top of what was already here. What set me off to look here was seeing a review of our shelter where a man said "I've been waiting over a year to try and surrender my dog and they won't take em despite all of their adoptions," wah wah wah. Cry about it. The limited space we do have isn't for irresponsible shitheads like you. It's for the dogs that are nearly hit at 80mph on the interstate with no form of ID. It's for the puppies that were dumped in a vacuum cleaner box behind a fast food joint. It's for the dogs that come from once loving homes when their owners pass. Maybe that's the answer shitbag. Just gotta die and then we'll take your dog. :)
Nunya Work June 25, 2024 at 10:04 pm 1
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1 Rant Comment
I honestly really blame college students for the huge amount of stray animals.
anonymous 3 months ago
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