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My sexuality confuses me

My sexuality confuses me

So every now and again I fluctuate between what my sexuality is. So for the longest time I was like “straight nothing more” then I was like BUT WOMEN and I was like ok bi male preference, and still mainly said straight cause yk, didn’t want to be faking it at all. Them I’m like wait hole up WOMEN. So I was like, bi female preference, and I was like yeah, this works. Then I was like, honestly men are like ew, lesbian, then I was like, no I’m not lesbian cause men aren’t actually that ew. Then I’ve realized all the crushes I typically get are men. Like celebrity or irl, they’re men. So maybe I am straight? Idk I’m confused. I have had a crush on my female friend but I learned she had a girlfriend and I was like yep imma use that to get over it and I did. So I don’t fucking know. Right now I think straight, if anything else it’s bi male preference. Honestly unlabeled might be easier cause I could just be who the fuck I am and roll w it but I feel like unlabeled is a label at this point. Maybe I’m just me and fuck it I like who I like? Idk I just get confused
K Dating June 26, 2024 at 1:55 am 0
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