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Trump is why people died during the pandemic

Trump is why people died during the pandemic

This stupid piece of Anti-American shit was given a playbook as to what to do in case of a pandemic By people in office that wanted to be ready and guess who tossed it into the fucking Trash....YEP you guessed it right Trump.....that mother fucker is why when the pandemic hit no one was ready I did alot of reading online and his advisors told him to sign it and he just tossed so many peoples lives in the trash ....I hope this mother fucker goes to prison for the rest of his Life when Harris wins she has promised that he is and she has worked in law before so she has the tools to get that stupid ass hole behind bars where he people who support Trump need to watch the video called SURGING Kamala DESTROYS Trump in BIGGEST Rally Yet by MeidasTouch Trump does not deserve your support and if he wins you loose just like everyone else does he will not show you favor as hes targeting the people he sees as a threat....You deserve to be free and have your freedoms intact if he wins you loose

anonymous Political October 25, 2024 at 1:58 am 1
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Save KING TRUMP! The onliest way we can save the day and get the King pardoned by hisself is for him to win bigly or not and claim he won by the hugest margins which is the same as winning anyway.
vladivostok cuntry singers 4 hours ago
And gave Putin, an enemy of the US covid tests the US citizens where scrambling to find to keep themselves safe. Imagine if using one of those tests kept Putin from dying of covid, and how things would be better for Ukraine and frankly EU citizens who would still be enjoying the cheapo Russian fossil fuel if he had died of covid. Just think, Putin's Chef might be in charge of the place now, but don't really know if that would be better or worse than Putin, TBH.
anonymous 54 minutes ago
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