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I Can't Do it

I Can't Do it

I hate school. I know everyday that I am provided with resources and the ability to even get an education and that is a blessing but there's no reason for it to be this competitive. As an indian student wanting to go to a somewhat competitive college I have no time, am always stressed, and never get a break. My grades are bad right now. I'm taking all AP classes which i NEED to do if i even have a shot at any college atp and I'm so incredibly stressed my hear rate is high, i can't breathe half the time, i have panik attacks weekly and everything is terrible. I have ruined my mental health and my physical health. My heart rate gets so high I am at 130 bpm everytime i check my grades. I consistently destroy my sleep schedule just like everyone else and still am falling short. I have 4 tests tomorrow out of my 5 periods all huge for my grade and I can barely even study because I'm panicking. I hate it and this week is halloweekend and instead of going out I have to study for my giat AP Physics test which is such a hard class the teachers grade so harshly I am barely getting by. Having AP Physics is the worst choice I've ever made. On top of that I have my PSAT and everyone else i know will get national merrit and I won't and i just feel like shit because I'll be the only one not getting it and will be considered way dumber than my peers. I have no time, my mental health is ruined, i am barely physically getting by and I need school to become easier. On top of this no matter how much effort i put into school I still fall short of any t-20 school. also i ate r/chance me
anonymous School October 25, 2024 at 2:15 am 1
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