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Trump is not winning the election

Trump is not winning the election

This dude's mouth has been yapping so much with Threats and stuff towards Americans that he himself is costing himself the Election MeidasTouch
on youtube covers almost everything this dude does and one video their even calling Trump the Stupidest man that has ever run for President and sorry but I agree after the fucking retard spent 20 mins talking about a dudes pecker to the Live World. You Trump supporters need to realize something you re not immune to what happens if Trump wins you suffer right along side everyone else when you loose your rights and everything else...good side is you wont because that Fascist piece of Dog shit is not going to ever win as long as his yap wont shut up....btw it dont matter At 80 years old Trump will pass away soon from old age and america will heal after he is gone...and no one will ever remember him
anonymous Political October 23, 2024 at 3:10 am 0
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