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Ever notice how every pizza place is called "New York pizza?" There's no regulations or set standards, other than it being in New York. You could put ketchup on bread and call it "New York style" and no one would stop you. Canadian bacon? It's not even from Canada. It was started at a pizza place here in New York. I think we should come up with a topping and call it Canadian and give credit to Canada for that. How about onion rings on pizza, call it Canadian Onion?


Jerry. Jerry. I am so pissed off today Jerry.

What happened?

You know that girl I was dating?

Ugh. Yes.

Well, she blew me off. A whole month and a half. GONE.

And what did you do?

Nothing Jerry! I DID NOTHING. She'd light up when she saw me. I told my usual antidotes. She liked me. But NOOOOOO she has to now drop me and not return my calls.

You said you didn't do anything and you've attempted to call her?

I'm not getting younga Jerry. I've got to call. I never know with each girl it's going to be the last.

How unfortunate.

anonymous Funny October 23, 2024 at 1:11 am 0
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